SPSI is excited to announce the release of the latest version of our Business Analytics Tool. The Analytics Tool is a hierarchical based display of our client's revenue cycle. For our Tier 3 clients who transmit claims and remittances, we are in a perfect position to provide an independent verification of their revenue cycle. The Analytics Tool, a data mining type tool, provides our clients the ability to evaluate their revenue cycle from various perspectives independent of their practice management system.
Our clients can select from a list of business perspectives such as Claim Processing Results, Payors, Service Locations and Rendering Providers and compare these perspectives relationship to each other over a selected time period.
An example might be; Show me my Claim Volume including Rejections for each Payor at each Service Location. Or what is my Claim Dollars, per Rendering Provider, per Payor, per Service Location.
The Analytics Tool is designed to assist management in evaluating business trends over a defined time period while also providing an independent 3rd Party evaluation of their revenue cycle for either internal or external negotiations.
For more information on the SPSI Analytics Tool, please contact your local SPSI representative.
Business Analytics Terminology
Two quick examples below