

FAQs & Support Topics

EDI Basics FAQs

Batch Claim File Flow Chart
New to EDI?

SPSI is here to help. We have been in business since 1994 helping businesses just like yours successfully submit electronic claims to the appropriate payers. We are not your typical clearinghouse. We are EDI consultants with local representatives who can and will help you receive compensation for the services you provide. With SPSI, all you need is an internet connection to get started. There is no software to purchase or hardware to update. There is no minimum monthly charge to use our services, no per-user or start-up fees. Our fees are based entirely on your utilization.

What is EDI?

EDI stands for Electronic Data Interchange and simply means transferring data from one computer system to another in a standard format without the need for human intervention. SPSI specializes in sending healthcare claims to the appropriate payers and delivering electronic remittances back to your organization.

SPSI Overview
Here is a short presentation introducing SPSI:

Presentation Slides
Digital 1500 Form
Although SPSI specializes in electronic billing, it can be helpful to tie the segments in your claim files back to the fields on the 1500 billing form:

1500 Form

1500 Form map to 837p segments

1500 form Completion instructions

Common EDI Terminology
The EDI environment has a set of terminology unique to our industry.  Below, you will find some of the key terms that you will hear when working with SPSI and your Practice Management System representatives:

Common Terminology
How long does it take my claims to process?
We get asked this question a lot.  The attached document will give you a general sense of your revenue cycle timeline:

Claim Adjudication Timeline
AHCCCS Provider Types

Southwestern Provider Services, Inc.

2350 Airport Freeway, Suite 410, Bedford, TX 76022

817-684-8500 - Office